Teaming up. Taking flight.
Wings as Eagles Ministries is always in need of Pine Ridge Reservation volunteers, in all departments. There is no limit to the size of team that is welcome to come and serve. Our Christian outreach ministry has welcomed teams as small as one and as big as sixty-five.
From a former WAEM Pine Ridge Reservation volunteer:
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Many of us are fortunate to relate to Psalm 23:1 which states, “The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not be in want.” We are grateful for the roof over our heads, the food on our plates and the safety of our neighborhoods. We are so blessed that we tend to take it for granted. Caught up in the demands of our everyday lives, we might actually forget that our people, the Native Americans from Pine Ridge, Wind River Reservation, and Black feet Reservation, are dying. Seeing the physical and spiritual needs on the reservations has been an eye-opener, a heartbreaking experience, and a blessing. The Lord made me realize that social injustice and poverty exist in my native country, Cameroon, as well as in my adoptive one, the United States of America. As Christians, we are called to love each other as Christ loved us (John 15:12), and this is just what WAEM has been doing these past 15 years. My team and I have been very impressed by the wonderful work accomplished by Pastor Lori and Pastor Gary; they deserve our unconditional love and support through prayers, donations, and mission trips. I pray that the Lord continues to use WAEM among the Native American people. All the Glory to our Heavenly Father.
Jessica Foumena
Spring/Summer Christian Outreach Projects
The season has begun and projects are underway! For more information on the building taking place at The Dream Center, see our Kingdom Building Projects [links to: “Kingdom Building Projects”]. Our Pine Ridge Reservation volunteer teams are actively engaging in a number of projects, large and small, that all aid in our Christian outreach to the Lakota people.
Larger Projects
Staff Housing (1) 40×64 *
- Earthwork – Prepare concrete slab and grade
- Below ground plumbing
- Septic and drain field
- Insulation
- Framing materials – Lumber
- Trench for electrical service to home – Inside electrical rough in
- Trench for water line to home
- Interior finish – sheet rock, flooring, finish electrical and plumbing, paint, finish trim
- Heating & cooling
Staff Housing (2) 32×63 *
- Insulation
- Framing materials – Lumber
- Trench for electrical service to home – Inside electrical rough in
- Trench for water line to home
- Interior finish – sheet rock, flooring, finish electrical and plumbing, paint, finish trim
- Heating & cooling
Bath House
- Below ground plumbing – Inside rough plumbing – Finish plumbing – Finish water line
- Concrete slab floor
- Trench for below ground electrical
- Inside rough and finish electrical
- Baseboard heating
- 4 Per side: Sinks, showers, toilets
- Laundry room with washer and dryer
Cafeteria with Basement: 40×60 *
- All phases of construction
- Basement to be used as a storm shelter
- Industrial kitchen equipment
- Road improvement
- Roads and driveways leading to all new construction
Green House
- All phases of construction
• Have proposal for construction type
Medium Projects
BMX Bike Track
For native children to ride bikes in a safe environment.
- To be constructed of asphalt – 4 feet wide
- To circle the perimeter of the Dream Center property
Landscaping and Rock
- Landscaping around new and existing structures and Dream Center grounds
- 10 Raised flower beds at various locations
- BStain/Paint Outside of Pavilion
- Repair Deck Boards
- Fascia board with steel facia trim (tan) – Pavilion
- Lineolium in Kitchen
Bunk House
- Install gutters
- Concrete pads and sidewalks
- Attic door with ladder
- Finish attic area
- Additional pieces of playground equipment
- Finish “footprint” of playground area
Volleyball Court
- Footprint of volleyball court to be finished with sand
- Two gazebos to hold 20 people each
- Remodel ministry trailer to be used for “meals on wheels” and concession
Smaller Projects
Dream Center Grounds
- Fill Holes
- Trim around upstairs doors and stairway
- Touch up painting in buildings
- Clean lights in sanctuary
- Repair ceiling tiles
- Gravel for driveways
- Fix fence in front
* The Staff housing and cafeteria is considered a vital need for the 2015 project season.
Wings As Eagles Ministries provides bunk style accommodations in on-site dormitories separated by male and female volunteers. Team members can also provide their own accommodations at The Dream Center’s “Eagles Landing” RV park in the form of pop-up tents or pull-in RVs.
What To Bring*
The following suggested list will guide you and your team as you pack your bags to embark on your Pine Ridge Reservation volunteer mission. Please refrain from packing DVD players, TVs, iPods, and MP3 Players and call if you are unsure about other items: (605) 455-1131
- Bibles
- Bottled Water (a lot)
- Snacks
- Beverages (of choice; non-alcoholic, please)
- Camera and/or Video Camera (at your discretion)
- First-Aid Kit
- Wet-Ones Hand Wipes
- Chap Stick
- Laundry Soap (if needed)
- Appropriate Work Clothing and Shoes
- Flashlight
- Towels/Toiletries
- Bedding (sleeping bag, sheets, pillowcases, blankets)
- Cot or Air Mattress
- Lawn Chairs
- Sunblock
To be contacted about becoming a Pine Ridge Reservation volunteer, please submit your information in the contact form below.

We ‘re pleased that you have chosen Wings As Eagles Ministries and are planning to join us here in southwestern South Dakota as a Pine Ridge Reservation volunteer. We appreciate your interest and pray this is just the start of a long and fruitful relationship. Our shared Christian outreach mission is all for the Glory of our Lord, and also for the special and precious Lakota people, too long forgotten.
- Download and fill out the Team Application Form | PDF
- Return the completed form to:
P.O. Box 207
Caputa, SD 57725
All Pine Ridge Reservation volunteer applications will be reviewed and responded to by email. Please contact Lori with any questions: